Welcome to Ivar Lundh & Co!
Ivar Lundh & Co AB is a shipbroker and a holding company for several companies within the shipping industry. The companies in our group are active as shipbrokers, shipowners, bunker traders, and commercial operators.
The history of Ivar Lundh & Co AB dates back to 1912. Our office is located in central Stockholm and we employ around 15 people.

Our Group
Ivar Lundh & Co AB
Ivar Lundh & Co AB is a shipbroker and the group holding company. Ivar Lundh & Co AB is owned by AB Hoppet, Stockholm Chartering AB, Altaal AB, Swedocean AB and Peter Lundblad.
Ilco Monitor Shipping AB
Ilco Monitor Shipping AB is shipbroker providing competitive and qualitative tanker chartering services for the global shipping markets. The team consists of four ship brokers with experience in various segments of the tanker market. The company is co-owned with the working partners.
Stoc Shipping Invest AB
Stoc Shipping Invest AB are the owners of the vessels Mt Stoc Marcia and Mt Stoc Baltic. Both vessels are commercially managed by Swede Chem Tankers AB. Ivar Lundh & Co AB holds a minorty stake in the company.

Contact Us
Main Details
Ivar Lundh & Co AB
Registered: Stockholm, Sweden
Org nr: 556043-9936
VAT nr: SE556162357901
Tel: +46 8 555 726 00
E-mail: ilco(a)ilco.se
Office adress:
Styrmansgatan 4
SE-114 54 Stockholm
Our Staff
Jacob Engwall
Managing Director
Private: jacob.engwall(a)ilco.se
Tel: +46 8 555 726 10 / Mobile: +46 70 220 51 00
Annika Daneby
Private: annika.daneby(a)ilco.se
Tel: +46 8 555 726 02
Mattias Lind
General: ilco(a)ilco.se
Private: mattias.lind(a)ilco.se
Tel: +46 8 555 726 05 / Mobile: +46 70 517 41 60
Jon Fredriksson
General: accounting(a)ilco.se
Private: jon.fredriksson(a)ilco.se
Tel: +46 8 555 726 11
Rolf Holmlund
General: accounting(a)ilco.se
Private: rolf.holmlund(a)ilco.se
Tel: +46 8 555 726 12
Jonatan Karlström
Member of the board
Private: jonatan.karlstrom(a)ilco.se
Tel: +46 8 555 726 06 / Mobile: +46 70 202 11 11
Our History
1912 - 1945
The company started as a pure dry cargo broker something which was continued until end of World War ll. Main commodities were coal, coke, iron ore, grain and forest products.
The ship agency department was also an important part of the company since the start.
1945 - 1960
Dry cargo was still the leading department with a lot of business in the coal and coke trade. During this period we were also house brokers for the Swedish Rex-bolaget for whom we concluded time charters for up to 10 years and also a lot of spot charters and contracts of affreightments.
The tanker department was formed in 1946 and was active and successful from the very beginning.
During late 50ties we acted as brokers for the first car contract between Wallenius Lines and Volkswagen.
1960 - 1970
Sale and Purchase became an important part of the company and a number of new-building contracts were realized. For the account of Greek Shipowners Pappas we concluded four new-buildings from Götaverken in Gothenburg, where one was one of the biggest tankers (abt 250.000 tons) at this time. We also secured new-building contracts for seven ferries for Tor Line and Lion Ferries.
On the dry cargo side we fixed the first shipment of forest products in the world, carried out by Ro/Ro, with a Wallenius ship something which was later on developed into a long lasting contract.
We were exclusive agents for Messrs Persöner AB, to whom a large number of vessels were purchased for demolition at their yard in Ystad. We also developed a yard agency mainly for German yards such as Blohm + Voss, Rheinstahl Nordseewerke and Nobiskrug.
1970 - 1980
A close cooperation with one of the major Swedish forest industries, AB Iggesunds Bruk, lead to the formation of Uniship Distribution AB, a company which was owned on a 50/50 basis by AB Iggesunds Bruk and Ivar Lundh & Co AB. Most of the export from Iggesund was carried on the T/C-vessels operated by Uniship. The company was in operation from 1974 up to 1995 and most quantities were transported on the purpose built Ro/Ro ship Breant for which vessel Ivar Lundh & Co AB was also head and part-owners.
The dry cargo department concluded a lot of time charter fixtures for Johnson Line and especially on their trades between Europe and South America.
A somewhat remarkable order was placed with a Japanese yard in Niigata 1975, for the new-building of nine small coasters of about 1.200 tons each. The contract was made for account of Swedish part owners lead by Messrs Trybom in Gävle. At that time it was quite unusual for European owners to contract vessels of this size in the Far East.
During the 70-ties the German yard agency resulted in newbuilding contracts such as Svea Marina for Rederi AB Svea, Stockholm, two OBOs of about 100.000 tons for owners Gränges Rederi AB, Stockholm and four 16.000 tons product tankers for Neste, Finland.
1980 - 1990
Svenskt IsbrytarKonsortium KB was formed to take care of the ownership of the Icebreaker Oden which was delivered from Götaverken – Arendal, Göteborg in 1988 and is still the largest Swedish Icebreaker. Oden was on long term Bareboat charter to Swedish Board of Navigation from her delivery until 2003 when they bought her. The consortium was lead by Ivar Lundh & Co AB and the investors were the forest industries AB Iggesunds Bruk, MoDo AB and SCA.
Mt Arctica – started her services for transports of talloil from Arizona Chemicals and coal tar from SSAB and Ruukki. The Mt Arctica has a special place in our minds as she performed on this trade as from 1988 until 2008 when she was sold. Throughout the whole period we acted as brokers for three various owners of the ship and for some time also as time charterers.
1990 - 2000
Commercial management for tankers was commenced when first three vessels, controlled by Ahlmark Lines A.-B., Karlstad were entrusted us. The vessels were combination carriers (7.000 tons) purchased by an Ahlmark consortium with our assistance and sailed as combination carriers during the first years and then turned into pure product tankers. The vessels were managed by us as from 1996 until they were sold in 2010 and 2011.
2000 - 2010
New-building contracts were concluded for three 7.000-tons Chemical and Product-carriers between SRAB, Stockholm and Medmarine in Eregli, Turkey.
The vessel Mt Stoc Marcia was ordered by a consortium of Swedish investors (Stoc Shipping Invest AB) and built by Ceksan Shipyard in Tuzla, Turkey and the vessel replaced mt Arctica in a commercial management agreement trading in a dedicated trade with coaltar and tall oils in the Baltic Sea.
2010 - 2015
The success of the commercial management activties resulted in a spin-off and the establishment of Swede Chem Tankers AB as a separeate company in 2012 focused on managing a fleet of small tankers below 10.000 deadweight. Initial pool partners was among others Gotland Tankers AB.
In 2013 the company started trading marine fuels resulting in the creation of Ivar Oil AB that has since evolved as a reputable physical supplier and bunker trader.
2015 - 2020
Ivar Lundh Sjöprojekt AB was established to focus on transports of crushed stones in Lake Mälaren for the state-owned Förbifart Stockholm project and two vessels are acquired. However, Förbifart Stockholm project is surrounded by delays, contractual disputes and economic uncertainties. The company is a joint-venture between Ivar Lundh & Co AB and AB Bröderna Höglund in Kalmar.
The agency department that has been a part of the company since the start was sold to GAC in 2017.
Ivar Oil AB develops positively and the name is changed to ScanOcean AB.
Stoc Shipping Invest AB acquires its second vessel Mt Purple Gem which is renamed to Mt Stoc Baltic.
The competitive tanker chartering activities is merged with Monitor Shipping AB creating Ilco Monitor Shipping AB.
2020 - Present
Covid-19 pandemic shakes the entire global economy hitting the world transport flows in particular. Ivar Lundh remains strong and focus it's efforts in key shipping areas.
Ivar Lundh & Co AB strengthens it's shareholder base with the entry of Altaal AB and Swedocean AB as shareholders of the company.
Swede Chem Tankers AB
Swede Chem Tankers AB is a commercial shipping company focusing on transporting liquids in bulk mainly in Northern Europe and in the Baltic Sea. Swede Chem Tankers manage a modern fleet of petroleum- and chemical tankers in the range of 4-8.000 deadweight.
ScanOcean AB
Established in 2013 ScanOcean has grown to become a reputable international energy and distribution company focused on supply and trading of marine fuels. The company acts as a global trader of a wide range of marine fuels like marine gasoil, fuel oil, bio-fuels and LNG.